Hub Invites Contractors to Apply for Grant Opportunity
North Country Clean Energy Hub Invites Contractors to Apply for Grant Opportunity Up to $25K incentive available for energy efficiency...
ANCA is an independent, nonprofit corporation with a transformational approach to building prosperity across northern New York. Using innovative strategies for food systems, clean energy, small businesses, and equity and inclusion, ANCA delivers targeted interventions that create and sustain wealth and value in local communities.
Join us for our joint Clean Energy + Small Communities. Big Opportunities. Conference, April 30-May 2 in Lake Placid.
Learn about the Adirondack Diversity Initiative’s new Welcoming & Belonging Micro-credential for businesses.
ANCA is growing prosperity across northern New York by implementing programs in four key focus areas: small businesses, food systems, clean energy, and equity & inclusion.
small businesses and organizations created individualized business resilience and succession plans for long-term strength and stability with ANCA's support.
North Country farms were connected with technical assistance through grant application, business development, farm planning and compost operation support.
entities accessed renewable energy, energy efficiency, and climate change mitigation and adaptation benefits through state programs with ANCA's assistance.
law enforcement officers from 14 agencies participated cultural consciousness, racial equity training and trauma-informed policing training that empowers them to foster safe, just communities.
2022 and 2023 Impacts
North Country Clean Energy Hub Invites Contractors to Apply for Grant Opportunity Up to $25K incentive available for energy efficiency...
Murry family honored in renaming of hill with former racist name FRANKLIN — There’s a small, remote hill tucked...
Mace Chasm Farm's tree nursery upgrades with ANCA and Foodshed Capital funds KEESEVILLE | A flexible loan program designed to...
ANCA and Cloudsplitter Fdn. were instrumental in successful outcome SARANAC LAKE | As Governor Kathy Hochul expressed in her State...