SARANAC LAKE — North Country small business owners and staff will be able to take advantage of a wide array of trainings and services in 2025, thanks to a recent federal grant awarded to the Adirondack North Country Association. Offered in partnership with local chambers of commerce, the programs are designed to support the retention of small businesses in the region and empower owners and employees with resources and skills to help them prosper.
In September, ANCA was awarded a United States Department of Agriculture Rural Business Development Grant to support a series of educational programs for small businesses and entrepreneurs in the Adirondack North Country. These programs were developed in partnership with the Ticonderoga Area Chamber of Commerce and the Saranac Lake Area Chamber of Commerce.
ANCA Small Business Program Director Lauren Richard said the impetus for the educational series was her team’s assessment of gaps in technical assistance observed through their ongoing work with small businesses. “During and following the pandemic, we have gained so much insight about the technical services small businesses really want and need,” she said. “Feedback about ANCA programming over the last several years, as well as collaborations with regional partners and service providers who work closely with local businesses, have given us a strong understanding of where entrepreneurs can really use more support.”
Read the full article in the Adirondack Daily Enterprise.