by Aaron Carbonne

BLOOMINGDALE — Dozens of locals packed the Hex and Hop brewery on Wednesday to learn about the history of a hill around three miles away, currently called N***o Hill, and to show their support to the U.S. Board of Geographical Names to rename the hill after the Murrys, a Black family who owned a portion of the hill in the 1800s.

Last year, Paul Smith’s College natural science professor Curt Stager led an effort to change the nearby N***o Brook to John Thomas Brook, named after a Black farmer who lived near its banks.

“It was an embarrassment,” Stager said of the old name.

More than 100 people came to a plaque unveiling commemorating the renaming of the brook in honor of John Thomas last September.

Now, Franklin town Councilman Rich Brandt and local resident Dave Filsinger are leading an effort to do the same for the hill, after Stager unearthed more history.

Brant and Filsinger have been gathering letters of support to rename the hill from government organizations like the Franklin Town Council, state Department of Environmental Conservation and Adirondack Park Agency. The goal is to show the USBGN broad, reputable support for the name change, including from the local public.

Read the full article in the Adirondack Daily Enterprise.